Stevenson’s Trail: The Cevennes
On 22 September 1878, the Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson (Treasure Island, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde) set off on a 220km walk across the Massif Central with only his donkey, Modestine, for company. After twelve days and many adventures, he wrote the book ‘Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes’ which has been the source of inspiration for many keen walkers ever since. In 1991, the Stevenson Trail was officially recognised as the ‘GR70’ and the timeless landscapes and remote villages with their rich traditions continue to be a highlight of this spectacular route. Our journey takes in the section between the charming Haute-Loire town of Le Puy and St Jean du Gard. At night we stay in simple but character filled hotels specially chosen for their location and ambience.